In 2019 the Foundation awarded $80,400 to 12 local community groups. This is our largest disbursement to date and includes our single largest award to an individual organization - $20,000 to the Pet Safe Coalition towards an office trailer to assist with animal emergency response. None of this would be possible without the generous support of our volunteers, donors, sponsors and support from the community. Thanks to everyone for making Quesnel a great place to live!
Includes $1800 from the Holger Bauer Fund
In 2018 the Foundation awarded over $68,000 to 15 local non-profit groups.
Rob LaFrance and Christy Wheeler of back Country horsemen B.C. accept a grant for $10,000 to upgrade the Telegraph Trails from Goose river to Blackwater River – installing 200 m of boardwalk and bridges.
Pesenting the award is QC Foundation Sustaining Partner Glen Boudreau of FraserView Pharmacy.
The Quesnel Curling Centre will host the Men’s Provincial championships in early 2019, and they will have an upgraded lounge partially due to funding received from the Quesnel Foundation.
Accepting the $10,000 award on behalf of the club are Blair and Linnea Hedden. Presenting the award is Quesnel Foundation President Mary Sjostrom.
Bruce Self accepts a cheque for $8,000 from QC Foundation Director and donor Jim Gorsline. Along with other funds they have received, the club plans to purchase a snow-making machine to ensure their youth ski school elementary program runs continuously throughout the winter season. Over 700 children from local schools participate annually!
Mayor Bob Simpson, presents a Grant Award of $5,700 to Barb King of the Quesnel Fit Pet Dog Sports Association for new flooring.
Bob Lebeck, Past QC Foundation President, presents Greg Brink of the Alex Fraser Park Society with a Grant of $5,000 towards their office implementation project.
QC Foundation Vice-President and Grant Committee Chair Bruce Broughton presents Colby O’Flyn of the Quesnel BCSPCA with a grant for $5,000 for accessible back and front entrances.
Gilbert Schotel and Colin MacKenzie accept a Grant for $5,000 for the Quesnel Youth Soccer Association to replace their aging utility vehicle.
CRD Area C Director and Foundation Supporter John Massier presents the award.
Vivian Wurm, Foundation Supporter and Family Fund donor presents an award for $4,500 to Quesnel Technics Gymnastic Club representatives, Jennfier Grant and Sherry McLeod. The club plans to buy additional equipment for their new location.
This year the Foundation distributed a total of $68,100 of Endowment income to local community groups.
Sandy Norman, long time Friend of the Foundation presents the award to Honey Affleck of Friends of Quesnel Museum. They received $3,300 for a large mural for their outdoor display area.
Sandra Lewis of AC&D Insurance, Quesnel Foundation Sustaining Partner presents the cheque for $2,800 for a new sound system to Romley Goulet, Louise Breband and Jean Gelinas of the Quesnel Old Time Fiddlers.
Rae Daggit and Marjarie Hessels accept a grant of $2,500 on behalf of the Quesnel & District Senior’s Centre for an accessible entrance.
Presenting the award is past QC Director, Margot Gagne.
Esther Platts and John Courtney of the Gold Rush Cycling Club accept a grant to upgrade local moutain bike trails with new signage. Presenting the Award is QC Director Lisa Battram.
Anja and Lori Carafelle accept a Grant on behalf of the Quesnel Pony Club for new jumps. Presenting the $1,500 award is QC Foundation Director Brian Black.
The Quesnel Tumbling River’s Rock Club is helping youth get outdoors through nature education. Partnering with the Baker Creek Enhancement Society the club received an award of $1,500 towards rock hound and pebble pup kits and will get coaching on accessing sensitive riparian areas while pursuing their passion!
Accepting on behalf of the club are Shannon Crocker and Amanda Dreager.
Presenting the award is Foundation Sustaining Partner Tracey Roberts from the Cariboo Observer.
Quesnel & District Heritage Society were awarded $1000 to purchase much needed gravel to shore up their sawmill display.
Past QCF President Roy Josephy presents the award to Lloyd and Lana Saunders.
Another record year in supporting more projects (18) and with more funds ($67,760). This included two Awards for events celebrating Canada's 150th Anniversary, both of which were matched by Grants from the "Community Fund for Canada's 150th Anniversary", a collaboration of the Federal Government, Community Foundations of Canada, and community foundations like ourselves.
Pictures of the Award presentations can be found on our Facebook page - below are details of the Awards themselves.
Our second Grant was to Baker Creek Enhancement Society, only the third time we have awarded $10,000 to a single project.
Later this summer, the Society will be installing wetland boardwalks to extend the walking trails at West Fraser Timber Park.
On behalf of BCES, Lorna Schley accepted the award from our Grants chair Bruce Broughton
In case you hadn’t heard…SkyFest is being held over the coming August holiday weekend
The Foundation awarded a Grant of $10,000 to enable the purchase of portable fencing to be used by Quesnel Skyfest Society this year and for years to come.
Make sure you have your tickets for the weekend by going to - of course, we don’t expect you to be looking at the fencing
Quesnel Elks #298 operates its Lodge on Anderson Drive for a number of community events – meetings, fundraisers, wedding receptions, birthdays, and anniversary parties.
Replacing their exterior doors had become a priority, hence a Grant award of $6,700 being made to enable project completion.
For the Foundation, new Grants Committee member Caroline Mitchell presented the award to Elks member Crystal Brekke.
That’s not the only sound you will be hearing this summer at the Quesnel Motocross track.
You will also hear announcements and commentary coming through a great new sound system, funded in part by our Grant award of $6,000.
We are thrilled to support two events marking Canada’s 150th anniversary, the first of which is the “Canada 150 Celebration” being hosted this coming long weekend by the North Cariboo Chapter of the Back Country Horsemen at Cottonwood House.
A grant of $5,000 has been made possible by the Community Fund for Canada’s 150th, a collaboration between Quesnel Community Foundation and the Government of Canada.
The 3-day Celebration has something for everyone to mark the significance of the horse in our history – the fun starts on Friday.
Our third Grant went to Cariboo Ski Touring Club, $5,000 to invest in equipment upgrades for the wonderful facilities at Hallis Lake.
The upgrades will enhance the Club’s ability to host regional and provincial competitive events such as the Biathlon BC Cup, as well as the developmental opportunities for local athletes.
Grants Committee member Dan Canuel presented the award to Marilyn Van Leusden, Grant Application & Admin Director for CSTC
For over 40 years now, Lightning Creek Ski Club has been coordinating competitive downhill skiing events for North Cariboo youth.
More events means more race equipment, and the need to properly store it all.
Our fifth Grant, of $5,000, will help the Club build an extension its clubhouse specifically for the purpose
We are thrilled to be supporting two events marking Canada’s 150th anniversary, the second of which is “Oh Canada We Sing For Thee”, a community concert celebrating well known Canadian artists, singers, songwriters and musicians, hosted by Quesnel & District Community Arts Council on September 18th.
A grant of $5,000 has been made possible by the Community Fund for Canada’s 150th, a collaboration between Quesnel Community Foundation and the Government of Canada.
Check with Quesnel Live Arts for tickets…and if you are able to attend, make sure you get your red on!
Quesnel Outback Quadders has only been an organized society for a little over a year but already boasts a membership of well over 100 members
This summer, many of those members will be working on the Deacon Creek trail, thanks in part to our Grant award of $5,000.
Lisa Battram, Foundation Director, Gala Committee chair, and Grants Committee member, presented the award to Quadders Vice-President Jack President
The Golden Centre on Front Street has been a core operational activity of the Old Age Pensioners Organization for a number of years.
Our Grant award of $4,300 enabled the upgrade of the Centre’s lighting system from old-style CFL’s to modern-day LED’s – better on the eyesight as well as the monthly power bills.
For OAPO, Sally Service accepted the award from long-serving Grants Committee member and Foundation donor, Peter Walsh.
Lawn bowling is an activity for all ages, and that’s why Quesnel & District Lawn Bowling wanted to invest in bowls for smaller hands.
With the season just about to get under way, you could make plans for your family to give lawn bowling a try this year, perhaps using the small bowls acquired as a result of our Grant award of $2,350
The first of 18 projects we have been able to support this year is the clean-up of the Telegraph Trail by the North Cariboo Chapter of Back Country Horsemen.
A grant of $2,240 was supported by a first-ever award from the Holger Bauer Memorial Fund, and it was fitting that Jeff Dinsdale was able to remind us of Holger’s love of the outdoors at our Grant Awards Reception
Presenting the grant was Mary Sjostrom, now serving her first term as President of the Foundation
Quesnel Special Olympics athletes make us proud every time
they compete in the name of “Quesnel”, so we were pleased to accept the opportunity to award $1,000 to help purchase floor hockey uniforms.
For Special Olympics, Ellen Martz accepted the award from now-retired Foundation Director Margot Gagne.
Jam Camp North provides an intensive opportunity to try, explore, and perform with a variety of musical instruments while taught by musicians of a very high calibre.
After a successful inaugural event last year, the organizers saw the benefit of owning instruments to reduce the need to borrow and share, so we were happy to award $1,000, our fourth Grant, to help support the development of budding local musicians.
New Life Church hosts a variety of community events every year, many of them during the sunny months, and most of them involving the need to cater to a number of hungry participants.
A Grant of $1,000 was awarded to help with the cost of kitchen appliance upgrades.
Pastor Brian Dean is pictured accepting our award from Foundation donor, past Director, and long-serving Grants Committee member, Lorna Townsend.
Quesnel has missed having a youth centre, so North Cariboo Aboriginal Family Program Society (also known as “Longname”) decided to address the need by opening a youth centre in the oldÉcole Baker School premises.
To help with providing youth with activities, the Foundation awarded a Grant of $1,000 to allow NCAFPS purchase indoor sports equipment.
Our final award, alphabetically, for 2017 was to St John’s Community Hall - $1,000 to help with the purchase of new kitchen appliances.
Nadine Kirby accepted the award on behalf of St John’s, presented by Bob Lebeck, Foundation donor, past President, and long-time Grants Committee member
A Grant of $880 has enabled Quesnel & District Community Arts Council purchase a new photocopier and toner to support the reproduction of print materials related to their many and varied events, including “Oh Canada, we Sing For Thee” (see below).
We were delighted to have long-time Foundation donor Olive Walsh present the award to Arts Council President Colleen Brines.
Todd Doherty Cariboo - Prince George, BC
Mr. Speaker, as the member of Parliament for Cariboo - Prince George, I have the honour of hearing about organizations in my riding that are truly remarkable.
I would like to say a big congratulations to the 15 recipients of the 2016 Quesnel Community Foundation Awards: the Alex Fraser Park Society, Baker Creek Gymkhana Club, Cariboo Hoofbeats Assisted Activity Program Society, Gavin Lake Forest Education Society, Island Mountain Arts, Lightning Creek Ski Club, Old Age Pensioners Organization Golden Center, Q City Singers, Quesnel Barrel Racers, Quesnel Curling Club, Quesnel Partnership for Student Nutrition, Quesnel Search & Rescue Society, Quesnel SPCA, Quesnel Technics Gymnastics Club, and the Quesnel Youth Association.
I would like to extend a big thanks to all of the people involved. The time and effort they give is an inspiration to others and makes our communities a better place to live.
A huge thanks and congratulations from Ottawa to Quesnel.
This is our first-ever $10,000 award, and to present, we have our first-ever President, Brian Rankin, right.
Receiving for Quesnel Curling Club is Blair Hedden
Presenting our second-ever $10,000 award is another member of our founding Steering Committee, and our second-ever President, Bob Norman.
Receiving for the Partnership is Christy Kennedy.
This year marks the 10th anniversary of the opening of the indoor facility.
Presenting our final award for 2016, on behalf of the Dan Alexander Memorial Fund, is Sue Alexander
Receiving for QYSA are Gilbert Schotel and Shannon Wilwand
Our first award went to Alex Fraser Park Society - $5,000 for the purchase of a livestock pen shelter.
On behalf of Sustaining Partner Go-Fer Contracting & Disposal, presenting the award is Dwayne Sales, right.
Receiving for Alex Fraser Park Society is Greg Brink.
On behalf of Sustaining Partner, Quesnel-Cariboo Observer is Karen Powell, left.
Receiving for the SPCA is Colby O’Flynn.
Presenting the award is local artist and past Foundation Director Ellen Facey; receiving for Island Mountain Arts is Josh Trotter-Wanner
Presenting the award is long-time Foundation supporter Joan Warden (husband Phil was unable to attend).
Receiving for Search and Rescue is Bob Zimmerman.
On behalf of Sustaining Partner West Park Dental is Branko Cervienka.
Receiving for club are Elizabeth Floyd, left, and Marlene Higgins.
Representing the Walsh Family Fund, this award was presented by long-serving Grants Committee member Peter Walsh, right.
Receiving for Baker Creek Gymkhana is Roy Juliusson.
Lightning Creek Ski Club is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year.
Presenting the award is Dan Canuel, soon-to-be-retiring Foundation Director and long-serving Grants Committee member.
With most of the board members of LCSC attending an out-of-town race meeting, Dwayne Sales accepted the award on their behalf.
Due to family illness, Camp Manager Mike Tudor had to cancel at the last minute, so receiving on behalf of Gavin Lake is Matt Ketchum, new member of our Grants Committee who will be their ongoing Foundation liaison
Presenting the award is our Grants chair and President, Bob Lebeck, right.
Presenting the award is Sheri Coles, left, our other soon-to-be-retiring Foundation Director and long-serving Grants Committee member.
Receiving for the OAPO is Sally Service.
Presenting the award is Mary Sjostrom, left, a member of our founding Steering Committee back in 2001 and a Foundation supporter ever since.
Receiving for Q City Singers is Ingrid Marshall.
On behalf of Sustaining Partner Fraserview Pharmacy, presenting the award are Wayne and Helen Boudreau.
Receiving for Quesnel Barrel Racers is Lori Carifelle
Presenting the award is Foundation supporter and former coordinator Cathy Briggs; accepting on behalf of CHAAPS is Nancy Last, left.